Medjugorje message through Ivan, August 10: I need you dear children! Pray for peace!

The apparition of August 10, 2012 took place on top of Apparition Mountain during Ivan’s prayer group. After having many days of very intense heat in Medjugorje, this day was just slightly cooler. In the evening, as pilgrims began gathering on the Mountain, and as the sun faded from view, giving way to the darkness of night, pilgrims were greeted by the stars which overlooked them on the mountain, as they awaited the Queen of Peace, and a welcomed cool breeze set in. The Rosary was prayed by the prayer group, and Our Lady appeared just before 10:00 PM. When She appeared, a demoniac howled in the distance, but the howling faded away to peace, and silence covered the mountain in the presence of Our Lady. The apparition lasted 5 minutes. After the apparition Ivan said:

“Tonight I would like to share with you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Our Lady. Tonight Our Lady came very joyful and happy and at the beginning, She greeted us with Her Motherly greeting, ‘Praised be Jesus, my dear children.’

Then Our Lady said:
‘Dear children, I came to you and introduced myself as the Queen of Peace, because my Son sends me. I desire to help you, dear children; to help you have peace. But so many times I said to you, I repeated to all of you my children: ‘I need you dear children.’ With you I can realize peace. Therefore also today I call you pray for peace, pray for peace in the world, pray for peace in the families, return prayer into your families and put God in the first place in your families. The Mother prays together with you and intercedes for all of you before Her Son. Pray, pray, and persevere in prayer. Thank you also today for having responded to my call.’

Our Lady then for a while prayed especially over you. In a special way She prayed over the sick present here. She then blessed all of us with Her Motherly Blessing and blessed all religious articles brought for blessing. I recommended also all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families and especially the sick and everything you carry in your hearts. Our Lady knows our hearts best and what we want to say to Her. Our Lady then continued to pray over all of us. She left in that prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, ‘Go in peace, my dear children.’”


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